
Mang Zhao

Postdoc Researcher
CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security


Mang Zhao

I just completed my Ph.D. study in Computer Science at CISPA Helmholtz Center for Information Security and Saarland University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Cas Cremers. Previously, I obtained my Bachelor’s degree in Mathematics and Computer Science from Saarland University, supervised by Prof. Dr. Moritz Weber.


My academic genealogy can be found on the Mathematics Genealogy Project, see here. It includes many distinguished mathematicians and scientists in history, e.g., Joseph Louis Lagrange, Pierre-Simon Laplace, Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz, Leonhard Euler, Johann Bernoulli, and Jacob Bernoulli. Notably, I am the ninth graduate under the supervision of Prof. Dr. Cas Cremers.

Research Interests


(authors are listed in alphabetical order, which is the convention in our field.)

Academic Activities


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